
Academy officers/Executive Committee

Cara Lewis, PT, Phd, Boston University
Sandra L. Kaplan, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Rutgers University
Vice President
Jennifer Bagwell, PT, DPT, PhD, California State University, Long Beach

Jamie Hall, PT, DPT, PhD, University of Missouri


Academy Committee Chairs/Board of Directors (3)

Tarang Jain, PT, DPT, PhD
Chair, Communications Committee

Tanvi Bhatt, PT, PhD
Chair, Awards Committee

LaDarius Woods, PT, DPT, PhD
Chair, Program Committee

Evan Papa, PT, DPT, PhD
Chair, DEI Committee

Jena Ogston, PT, PhD
Chair, Abstract Committee

Benjamin Binder-Markey, PT, DPT, PhD
Chair, Nominating Committee

Therese Johnston, PT, MSPT, MBA, PhD, FAPTA
Chair, EDGE

Dave Logerstedt, PT, MPT, PhD
Federal Affairs Liaison



Academy Delegates

Meghan Warren, PT, PhD

Evan Papa, PT, DPT, PhD


How the Academy Works

The APTA Academy of Physical Therapy Research is governed by an elected Board of Directors. Directors are available to discuss issues affecting the Academy and the physical therapy profession. In addition to the Board of Directors, Academy members participate in committee, task force and Special Interest Group activities. The actions taken by the Board, committees, task forces and SIGs are member-directed.

The Academy President is responsible for governing and directing Academy activities and the Board of Directors is guided by the strategic plan. The Academy Delegate participates in the APTA House of Delegates each year, which is the highest decision-making body of the Association, and makes decisions on issues that frequently have far-reaching implications for the Association, the Academy and the profession. To reach the president, delegate or other Academy officers, please contact the Academy office at [email protected].

Get Involved! Contact us to become involved in Academy activities and committees. Your participation is essential to the strength of the Academy.
