Biomechanics SIG

  Student and Post-Doc Travel Awards    Biomechanics Career Awards
  • Chair: Jacob Capin, PT, PhD, DPT, MS
  • Vice-Chair: Philip Malloy, PT, PhD
  • Secretary: Hayley Powell Smitheman, PT, DPT, ATC
  • Treasurer: Paul Kline, DPT, PhD
  • Nominating Committee: Elanna Arhos, Andrew Sprague, and Keith Knurr

Our Mission

The Mission of this SIG is to provide a forum for discussion, a venue for program development, and a presence in the public arena of the Academy. In particular, the SIG aims to: 

Biomechanics SIG Bylaws

How To Join

To join the Biomechanics SIG, you should be Academy of Physical Therapy Research member.  Feel free to contact any of our leadership with any questions, ideas or concerns.

You can also follow the Biomechanics SIG on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.